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How to Find Your Tweets by Searching for Words, Dates, or Red Flags with a Social Media Checker

tweet finder by date

Did you know there are tools to find your content and tweets by searching for specific words, dates, or flagged content?

A Social Media Checker (Sometimes called a social media audit) is a great way to track your social media activities, from your posts, likes, shares to easily pinpointing negative Tweets from up to 7 years ago. This AI technology is currently used for employers needing social media background check on their applicants and now available for individual users with Global Background Screening, LLC.

Social media checks also come in handy if you’re applying for a job and worried about what an employer may find legally.

This article shows you how easy Global Background Screening, LLC makes it for employers as well as individuals to find content on a social media background check report.

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The Social Media Platforms Searched On Our Report

There are a variety of social media sites we can check posts, likes, shares images and videos on our AI checker:

In addition to the above, our AI bots are able to easily scrape and pinpoint images and videos that are flagged for specific social media risk factors as well. Here are all the risk factors that may reveal behaviors. This includes Likes and comments on others' posts.

  • Drug-Related and Narcotics

  • Explicit or Racy images

  • Hate Speech and Racism

  • Insults & Bullying

  • Political Speech Posts

  • Sexual and Explicit Images/Posts

how to find tweets

Track Your Social Media Activities with a Social Media Audit

Have you ever looked at your Facebook “On this day” posts and wondered how crazy you sounded 7 years ago? A social media audit report is typically used as a way to self-audit your own social media channels.

People change, your personality changes, and your perspective of life changes over the years. Posts you posted 7 years ago may not reflect who you are today. This is why it’s so important to conduct an audit of your social media history.

As Muhammad Ali once said, “A man who views the world the same at 50 as he did at 20 has wasted 30 years of his life.“

So what’s on a Social Media Background Check Report?

The data provided to employers and individual users are exactly the same.

The only difference is that individual users can also request a full copy of all their public posts in a report whereas employers can only receive risk-identifying filtered results as well as keyword filtered results going back up to 7 years per the Fair Credit Reporting Act.

Here’s the typical data you will receive on a social media screening report:

Sentiment Over time

Shows your attitude toward events and situations on your posts. In other words, it can gather data on your positivity and negativity of your posts, likes and more. This data set here is used for informational purposes only and cannot be used as a motivating factor to make an adverse employment or other permissible business purpose decision.

how to find tweets

Word Cloud

User's top used words with positive, neutral and negative sentiment. It provides special insight on topics you post about most often. The bigger the word, the higher the times you post about it. The color of the word indicates if the tone of the post is positive (green), neutral (Grey) or negative (red).

Breakdown of Flagged Content Filters

This section breaks down your posts and activity on each platform by the specific red flag social media categories you requested.

See below for our typical filters. Notice the category "Keyword". This means you can search by specific keywords if needed. Our report let's you search for up to 10 keywords.

old tweet finder

Number of posts, Total following and followers

Here's a summary of all your followers, users following you on all platforms, and a list of all your posts in one easy-to-read format. This is great for Influencers who want to find out easily their audience and post data.

Your Handles, Bio, descriptions and Social Media Score

An overall social media score that combines our special sauce calculated on several factors including flagged posts and sentiment. This social media score is only for informational purpose and cannot be used to establish risk or deny someone employment or housing. In addition, your handles, bio and descriptions will also show up here.

So typically if you have your account in private, your bio, descriptions, profile pic still show up on this report.

List of User's Flagged Posts

Finally, what users and employers typically care about are the actual individual flagged posts. Here's the breakdown of how each flagged post and how they're displayed. Clicking on the "Source Social Media Platform" icon will take you directly to that Tweet (or other platform's posts).

What if the Tweet is not in English?

No problem, our social media checker automatically translates posts to English. Even though we keep adding new languages, the current languages that can be translated are: Mandarin, Hindi, Spanish, French, German, Dutch, Portuguese, Arabic, Bengali, Russian, Indonesian and Japanese.

scan social media for bad posts

Why Should Employers Order Social Media Background Checks?

Some benefits of Social Media Screening: 1. Reduces turnover costs

2. Minimizes risk of toxic hire

3. Protects your brand and reputation

4. Mitigate workplace safety risks

5. Ensures company cultural fit with your company

6. FCRA (Fair Credit Reporting Act), EEOC, GDPR, and Canada Privacy Laws.

It is important to note that employers generally cannot force applicants to disclose their social media usernames or passwords.

Wondering if it's legal? Here's the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), granting the right to scan an applicant’s social media history to companies that conduct background checks on behalf of prospective employers, if you follow all FCRA guidelines.

Find your Content on a Social Media Background Check by Date (Twitter included)

Searching by post date is only available to individual users, not employers.

Employers will only receive post dates of flagged posts only.

In addition to searching by date an individual user can order a report on themselves that shows ALL their public posts on all their social media platforms listed above.

Finally, you can even request for all the posts to be downloaded in an Excel spreadsheet for you.

The Importance of Knowing What's on your Social Media Platforms

The content you see on someone's social media is typically a reflection of the person's behavior post-hire and may have a huge impact on how people view represent your brand or treat employees. Social media background checks using our social media checker is a great way to track your online content, delete any out-dated derogatory information you used to post, as well as find negative content that may impact employers in the future.

Our other services Global Background Screening, LLC provides:


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