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Writer's pictureCarlos Crameri

Order a WorldWide Criminal Background Check

Updated: 5 days ago

order a worldwide criminal background check

If you're looking for a reliable way to perform a worldwide criminal background check, Global Background Screening offers the simplest and most effective solutions available. With just a few clicks, you can order criminal records and sanctions data from around the globe on employees, contractors and vendors... ensuring your hiring process remains thorough and compliant no matter where your applicants are located.

Worldwide Criminal Background Check Services

At Global Background Screening, we provide two primary options for conducting criminal background checks on a global scale:

WorldScan - Global Sanctions and Terror Watchlist Search

Our WorldScan option offers an extensive search through over 5,000 global government sources, including international sanctions lists and terror watchlists. This comprehensive search identifies individuals involved in serious criminal activity, including:

  • Fraud and embezzlement

  • Money laundering

  • Drug trafficking

  • Terrorism and organized crime

  • Human rights violations

  • Financial Fraud

For just $29, you get fast results with a typical turnaround time of only one business day.

WorldScan is perfect for organizations that want a broad overview of global sanctions and criminal activity across multiple countries. Learn more about on our Terror Watchlist and Global Sanctions Search

Country-Specific Criminal Background Check

For an even more thorough approach, consider combining the WorldScan with a country-specific criminal background check. This option provides you with direct access to court and police records, offering a detailed view of their legal history. Criminal background checks are available in over 170 countries.

By combining these two services, you gain a complete understanding of any potential risks associated with your applicant, making it the best option for international hiring.

How to Order a Worldwide Criminal Background Check

Ordering a worldwide criminal background check from Global Background Screening is easy. Just follow these simple steps:

  1. Visit our Multi-Country Ordering Form.

  2. Select the countries you need for your search or simply order a WorldScan.

  3. All pricing and turnaround times for each country are listed there as well as below.

  4. Complete your checkout in seconds.

Worldwide Criminal Background Check Pricing

Below, you’ll find an easy-to-view table showing the countries we cover, along with pricing, details of each search and days each report takes




Service Description

Albania Nationwide

 $ 100.00


A comprehensive National Criminal Record Search conducted through the Office of Judicial Status Central Electronic Database, maintained by the Ministry of Justice. Information returned will include all reportable criminal record convictions.  Data Privacy Laws in place. Consent is required.

Algeria local

 $ 95.00


A comprehensive local criminal search conducted through the local court.

American Samoa Local

 $ 80.00


A comprehensive national criminal record search conducted through the High & District courts.

Andorra Nationwide

 $ 128.00


Coverage - Nationwide

Source - Tribunal Court

Angola Nationwide

 $ 120.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Department of Justice Sector of Criminal Identification.

Anguilla Nationwide

 $ 65.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Courts of Justice.

Courts include: High Court, Court of Appeal, and Eastern Caribbean Supreme Courts

Antigua and Barbuda Local

 $ 85.00


A local search conducted through the courts of justice based on the candidate's residential address.  Information returned will include all reportable criminal record convictions.

Courts searched: East Caribbean Court; High Court, Court of Appeal

Argentina Nationwide Court

 $ 139.00


An Argentina nationwide criminal search conducted through the Nacional de Registro de Reincidencia. Client can only receive a "No record" or "Review" per Habeas Data Law No. 23,326. Candidate will then have to personally order the background check on himself and forward to employer.

Armenia Nationwide

 $ 99.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Courts of Justice


All Armenian courts since 2008. Criminal appeal yerevan city court armavir; marz, syunik reggion; gegharjunik; tavush; lori; shirak; aragatsotn; ararat ;vayots dzor; kotayk; shnegavit ajapnyak; erebuni; arabkir : malatia nork; marash avan and nor nork 

Aruba Local

 $ 59.00


A local search conducted through the Courts and Tribunals of Aruba.

Australia Nationwide

 $ 50.00


Nationwide Police Search


Australia Nationwide (Federal Police)

 $ 65.00


A comprehensive national criminal records search conducted through the Australian Federal Police. Information returned will include all reportable criminal record convictions that have not been spent and/or are subject to any non-release policies.

Austria Local

 $ 85.00


A local search conducted at the district court (bezirksgericht) based on the candidate's residential address.  Information returned will include all reportable criminal record convictions.

Azerbaijan Nationwide

 $ 109.00


A national criminal record search conducted through the Ministry of Interior. 

Bahamas Nationwide

 $ 85.00


A comprehensive national criminal records check conducted through the Courts and Tribunals of Bahamas.

Court Searched: Court of Appeal of the Bahamas

Bahrain Nationwide

 $ 135.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Ministry of Justice, Criminal Court.

Bangladesh Local

 $ 108.00


A local criminal search conducted through the regional police station based on the candidate's residential address.

Barbados Local

 $ 59.00


A local search conducted through the Courts and Tribunals of Barbados.

Courts searched: High Court, Court of Appeal, Supreme Court, The Caribbean Court of Justice, and The International Penal Court

Belarus Nationwide

 $ 149.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Belgium Local

 $ 99.00


A local criminal search conducted through Rechtbank- Tribunal de Premiere Instance (Rechtbank- Court of First Instance) based on the candidate's residential address.

Belize Local

 $ 120.00


A local criminal search conducted through the Courts and Tribunals of Belize which includes the Supreme court, Court of Appeal, Caribbean District Court, and international penal court.  


Benin Nationwide

 $ 95.00


Coverage - Nationwide

Source - Tribunal de Premiere Instance

Bermuda Nationwide (Magistrate Court)

 $ 65.00


A comprehensive national criminal record check conducted through the Magistrates courts.

Bhutan Nationwide

 $ 175.00


A national criminal search conducted through the Thimphu District Court.

Bolivia Local

 $ 135.00


A local criminal search conducted through the Juzgados de Partido (court).

Bosnia and Herzegovina Nationwide

 $ 140.00


A comprehensive national criminal record search conducted through the Ministry of Interior.


Botswana Nationwide

 $ 99.00


National search conducted through the courts and tribunals of Botswana

 $ 109.00


A national criminal record search conducted through the Ministry of Justice. Information returned will include all criminal record convictions that have not been spent or pardoned. Certificate included.

Virgin Islands (UK) Nationwide

 $ 85.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Courts of Justice.

 High Court and Court of Appeal; East Caribbean Supreme Courts

Brunei Nationwide

 $ 135.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the courts of justice.

Courts Searched: Court of Appeal, High Court, Intermediate Court

Bulgaria Nationwide

 $ 99.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Ministry of Justice.

Burkina Faso Nationwide

 $ 85.00


Search conducted through the Ministry of Justice

Burundi Nationwide

 $ 85.00


Coverage - Nationwide

Source - Ministry of Public Security

Cambodia Nationwide

 $ 99.00


Criminal check conducted through the Municipal Court of Phnom Penh

Cameroon Criminal History

 $ 119.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Criminal Affairs and Pardon Directorate.

Please note this service is only for foreign candidates that no longer reside in Cameroon.  For citizens of Cameroon (residing in and out of the country) and foreigners currently residing in Cameroon, please order the Cameroon Nationwide Service.

Cameroon Nationwide

 $ 119.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Criminal Affairs and Pardon Directorate.  Results will include an authority-issued criminal certificate. 

Please note this service is only for citizens of Cameroon (residing in and out of the country) and foreigners currently residing in Cameroon.  For foreign candidates that no longer reside in Cameroon, please order the Cameroon Criminal History Check.

Canada, Nationwide

 $ 39.99


A search conducted through the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)

Canary Islands, Local

 $ 119.00


A criminal record search conducted through the Juzgados de lo Penal (state criminal court) based on the candidate's residential address

Cape Verde Nationwide

 $ 85.00


National search conducted through the Ministry of Justice.

Cayman Islands Local

 $ 59.00


A local criminal search conducted through the Courts and Tribunals of Cayman Islands.

Central African Nationwide

 $ 85.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Ministry of Justice.

Chad Nationwide

 $ 85.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Gendarmarie National (Police) Diection del la Documentation et de la Securite. T

Chile Nationwide

 $ 135.00


A comprehensive regional criminal search conducted through the registro civil.

China Nationwide

 $ 59.99


A comprehensive national criminal records search conducted through the Ministry of Public Security and the Supreme People's Court of the PRC.  

Background providers in China follow the U.S. 7 year reporting of criminal convictions.

China Nationwide (Non-Citizen)

 $ 69.99


A comprehensive National Criminal Records Search conducted through the Ministry of Public Security.  

Background providers in China follow the U.S. 7 year reporting of criminal convictions.

Christmas Isle, Australia NW

 $ 95.00


A comprehensive National Criminal Records Search conducted through the Australia Federal Police. Information returned will include all reportable criminal record convictions that have not been spent and/or are subject to any non-release policies.



Colombia Nationwide

 $ 89.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Procuraduria General de la Nacion (Attorney General), Rama Judicial and National Police.

Comoros Nationwide

 $ 99.00


Coverage - Nationwide

Source - Greffier en Tribunal

Congo (Republic of) Local

 $ 99.00


A local criminal search conducted through the Tribunal de Premiere Instance.

Congo (Dem Republic) Nationwide

 $ 99.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Tribunal de Premiere Instance.

Cook Islands Nationwide

 $ 99.00


Search conducted through the High Court.

Costa Rica Nationwide

 $ 95.00


A national criminal record search conducted through Organismo Investigacion Judicial.  Information returned will include all reportable criminal record convictions.

Cote D'ivoire Nationwide

 $ 99.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Court of First Instance in Côte d'Ivoire.  Results will include an authority-issued criminal certificate.

Croatia Nationwide


A nationwide criminal record search conducted through the Ministry of Justice Criminal Records Section.

Cuba Local

 $ 205.00


A local criminal search conducted through the Tribunal Municipal Popular.

Curacao Nationwide

 $ 95.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Courts and Tribunals of Curaçao.  The search includes information for all of the following criminal convictions of offenses, except those deleted by rehabilitation laws or considered spent :

    • crimes against the state

    • crimes against the person

    • crimes against public safety

    • crimes against the property

    • Etc.

The legal prescription of a sentence varies, depending on the type of offense committed and sentence pronounced.  Courts searched include the First Instance Courts and the Courts of Appeal.  Records date back 7 years.

Cyprus Local

 $ 125.00


A local search conducted at the court based on the candidate's residential address.

Coverage - Local Court Search

Source - City Court

Czech Republic Nationwide

 $ 95.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Criminal Register.

Denmark Local

 $ 79.00


A local criminal search conducted through First Instance Courts based on the candidate's residential address.


Djibouti Nationwide

 $ 89.00


Local search conducted through the district court

Dominica Nationwide

 $ 139.00


Search that is conducted through the Dominica Police Criminal Investigation Department.


Dominican Republic Nationwide

 $ 75.00


A comprehensive nationwide criminal search conducted through the 1st Instance Court.   

Timor-Leste Local

 $ 155.00


A local criminal search conducted through the local police office, based on the Timor-Leste residential address provided by the candidate.

Ecuador Nationwide

 $ 135.00


A comprehensive national criminal record search conducted through the Government Ministry - National Police

Egypt Nationwide

 $ 95.00


A comprehensive national criminal search conducted through the Ministry of Interior.

El Salvador Nationwide

 $ 120.00


A comprehensive national criminal search conducted through the Organo Judicial Republica De El Salvador

Equitorial Guinea Nationwide

 $ 89.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Director General National Security.

Eritrea Nationwide

 $ 85.00


Coverage - Nationwide

Source - National Police

Estonia Nationwide

 $ 95.00


A search conducted through the Ministry of Justice Karistus Register for major offenses.  Search period may vary.

Swaziland Nationwide

 $ 99.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Courts and Tribunals of the Kingdom of Eswatini.

Ethiopia Nationwide

 $ 105.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Courts of Justice, based on the candidate's residential address information.

Courts searched: Regional Courts (High and First Instance), Federal Courts and Supreme Court.

Fiji Local

 $ 120.00


A search conducted through the Fiji Supreme Court, Court of Appeal, High Court, Small Claims Tribunal, International Penal Court, and Magistrates Court based on the candidate's residential address.


Finland Local

 $ 79.00


Coverage - Local Court Search

Source - District Court



France Nationwide (Police) Certificate (e-process)

 $ 75.00


A comprehensive nationwide criminal record search conducted through the Casier Judiciare (Ministry of Justice).  This service can also be used to order criminal searches in the following French territories: Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Mayotte, Martinique, Réunion, Saint Barthélemy, Saint Pierre, and Miquelon.

French Polynesia Nationwide


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the First Instance Court.

This service is only for candidates that were born in French Polynesia.  For candidates that currently live in French Polynesia or for candidates that have previously lived in French Polynesia, please order the France Nationwide (Police) Certificate (e-process) service. 

Gabon Nationwide

 $ 85.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Ministry of Justice.

Gambia Nationwide

 $ 129.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Ministry of Justice.

 $ 139.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Germany Local

 $ 69.00


A search conducted through the Amtsgericht Criminal Court (local Court) based on the candidate's residential address.

Ghana Nationwide

 $ 99.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Courts of Justice.

Gibraltar Nationwide

 $ 129.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Courts of Justice.

Source - Privy Council Decisions; Gibraltar Court of Appeal; Supreme Court;  Magistrates Court

Greece Local

 $ 89.00


A local criminal search conducted through the district court based on the candidate's residential address.

Greece Nationwide

 $ 139.00


A national criminal search conducted through the Ministry of Justice Division of Criminal Court Records, Unit of the Public Prosecutors Office.

Greenland Nationwide

 $ 159.00


Coverage - Nationwide

Source - National Police

Grenada Local


Coverage - Local Court Search

Source - High Court, Court of Appeal and Eastern Caribbean Supreme Courts


Guam Nationwide

 $ 49.00


A comprehensive criminal search conducted through the Unified Superior Court of Guam based on the candidate's social security number.

Guatemala Nationwide

 $ 115.00


Search is conducted through the Unidad de Antecendentes Penales de la Corte Suprema Justicia which accessed through an authorized agent in Guatemala who are provided with their own user ID and password to access the information and covers a minimum scope of 10 years.   

Channel Islands, Guernsey Court

 $ 59.00


Search conducted through the court for publicly available conviction information at the local level.

Guinea (Republic of), Local

 $ 85.00


A local criminal search conducted through the District Courts.


Guinea-Bissau Nationwide

 $ 85.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Departmento de Registro Criminal.


Guyana Nationwide

 $ 120.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Courts of Justice.


Courts Searched: Caribbean Court of Justice and Court of Appeal of Guyana 

Haiti Nationwide

 $ 120.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the National Police.

Honduras Nationwide

 $ 120.00


 A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Poder Judicial Sistema Nacional de Antecedentes Penales.

Hong Kong, Criminal

 $ 49.99


 The search contains criminal court judgment. Verifies fugitive status.

Hungary Nationwide

 $ 99.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Administrative and Electronic Public Services Central Office (KEKKH). Results will include an authority-issued criminal certificate.  

Iceland Local

 $ 109.00


A search conducted through the local court based on the candidates residential address.

Coverage - Local Court Search

Source - Public Prosecutors Office

India Local (Court)

 $ 55.00


A local criminal search conducted at the magistrate court in-person by an attorney, covering 7 years where available and the Ecourt (High & District Court) and Supreme Court databases covering the last 7 years.

Indonesia Local

 $ 139.00


A local criminal search conducted through the district court, supreme court, and a proprietary database, providing national coverage.

Iran Nationwide D/B

 $ 99.00


A criminal search conducted through the PEP database, the Amnesty Penal Records Section, the Iran, North Korea, and Syria Nonproliferation Act Sanctions (INKSNA), Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation, Iranian Transactions and Sanctions Regulations.

Iraq Local

 $ 109.00


A local criminal search conducted through the Directorate of Criminal Investigations.

Ireland (Republic of) Local

 $ 95.00


A local criminal search conducted through the Ireland International News Agency Republic of Ireland based on the candidate's residential address.

Sources include: Central Criminal Court, the Special Criminal Court, the Court of Appeal, Dublin Circuit Criminal Court, High Court extradition, select High Court proceedings, as well as from Family Courts (primarily childcare courts), Medical Council Fitness to Practice Inquires, Nursing and Midwifery Fitness to Practice Inquires, Employment Appeal Tribunals and Courts Martial courts.

Search is supplemented with local court access, where possible. 

Isle of Man, Court

 $ 49.00


Search conducted through the court for publicly available conviction information.

Israel Nationwide


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Ministry of Justice - Courts, which includes the following courts: 

    • Israel Supreme Court

    • Regional Courts

    • Justice of the Peace Courts (Magistrate Courts)

    • Appellate Courts

    • Family Courts

    • Military Courts

    • Traffic Courts

    • District Court

Italy Local

 $ 95.00


A criminal record search conducted through the local district court based on the candidate's residential address. 

Jamaica Nationwide

 $ 85.00


A comprehensive national criminal search conducted through the Courts of Justice. Courts searched include Court of Appeal, the Supreme Court of Jamaica, and the East Caribbean Court.

Channel Islands, Jersey Court

 $ 65.00


Search conducted for publicly available conviction information.

Jordan Nationwide

 $ 129.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the General Intelligence Directorate (GID).

Kazakhstan Nationwide

 $ 139.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Department of Special Records of the Committee of Legal Statistics and Special Records, Office of Prosecutor General.  

Kenya Nationwide

 $ 95.00


A comprehensive nationwide search conducted through the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, High Courts, Court of Justice, and Adhoc tribunal courts.

Kiribati Nationwide

 $ 140.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Magistrate's court covering a period of approximately 7 years.

Korea South Illicit Activity Database

 $ 89.00


A search of publicly available sources to uncover illicit activity.  Sources include:

    • 9 Major newspapers:  Kyunghyang Newspaper Do Hangyere, Hankiik llbo and etc. (more than 1,500 articles are updated daily)

    • 25 regional newspapers:  Kangwon llbo, Kyungnar Jeonbul llbo etc.

    • 6 economics specialized newspapers:  Maeil economics, financial news etc

    • 3 TV broadcast companies:   KBS, MBS, SBS

    • 9 Internet newspapers:  Labor Today, Oh My News etc.

    • 2 English Newspapers:  Korea Time, Korea Herald

    • 5 regional weekly newspapers Kimpo News, Okc

    • Full internet search including blogs, social networking business rumors/discussions etc.

    • Sex Offender Register maintained by Ministry of Justice

    • Case Law Files

Kosovo Nationwide

 $ 149.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the General Kosovo Police Directorate. Information returned will include all reportable criminal record convictions.

Kuwait Nationwide

 $ 129.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Ministry of Interior, General Department for Criminal Investigation

Kyrgyzstan Nationwide

 $ 109.00


Coverage - Nationwide

Source - Ministry of Internal Affairs

Laos Local

 $ 155.00


A local search conducted through the People's District Court of Vientiane, Laos. 

Latvia Nationwide

 $ 105.00


A search conducted through the Ministry of Interior's Information Center in Riga, Latvia.

Coverage - Nationwide

Source - Ministry of Interior

Lebanon Nationwide

 $ 119.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Judiciary Police Department, Internal Security Forces, Minister of the Interior.

Lesotho Nationwide

 $ 89.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Courts and Tribunals of Lesotho.

Liberia Nationwide

 $ 99.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Courts of Justice.


Courts searched: Supreme Court of Liberia, International Court Decisions concerning Liberia         

Libya Nationwide

 $ 160.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Criminal Identification Department of the Ministry of Interior.

Liechtenstein Local

 $ 95.00


Coverage - Local Court Search

Source - District  Court

Lithuania Nationwide

 $ 79.00


 A comprehensive national criminal search conducted through the Supreme Court of Lithuania, the Court of Appeal of Lithuania, regional courts and district courts.

Luxembourg Local

 $ 95.00


Coverage - Local Court Search

Source -  District Tribunals

Macau Local

 $ 59.99


A local criminal search conducted through the Court of First Instance.


Madagascar Nationwide

 $ 99.00


Search conducted through the Tribunal de Première instance Madagascar

Malawi Local

 $ 85.00


A local criminal search conducted through the Courts of Justice.

Malaysia Nationwide

 $ 75.00


A search conducted through the Police Diraja.    Possible hits will include a secondary search at the appropriate court to obtain complete details of the hit.  

Malaysia Nationwide (Non-Citizen)

 $ 75.00


A comprehensive multi repository search of publicly available Criminality sources which include the Polis Diraja Serious Offense, Government, and Court Records, as well as Proprietary sources. Information returned will include all reportable Criminal Record Convictions. 

Maldives Nationwide

 $ 159.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Ministry of Public Safety.

Mali Local

 $ 79.00


A local criminal search conducted through the Tribunal de Première Instance Mali.

Malta Nationwide

 $ 65.00


A search conducted through the Malta Courts of Justice.

The following courts are covered: Inferior and Superior Criminal Appeal Court, Magistrate Criminal Court; Small Claims Tribunals and Court of Appeal

Marshall Islands Nationwide

 $ 85.00


Coverage - Nationwide

Source - District Court

Mauritania Nationwide

 $ 79.00


Search conducted through the Tribunal Penal

Mauritius Nationwide

 $ 89.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Public Prosecutors Office.

Mexico Local

 $ 79.00


A local criminal search conducted through the state attorney general's office based on the candidate's residential address information.

Mexico Nationwide

 $ 89.00


Enhanced Nationwide: A national criminal record search conducted through the State Superior Tribunal of Justice Courts and Courts of First Instance, the Supreme Court, State Court, and Federal Justice Court

Micronesia Nationwide

 $ 150.00


A criminal search conducted through one of the four state courts; Chuuk State Court, Kosrae State Court, Pohnpei State Court, or Yap State Court, based on the candidate's residential address.

Moldova (Republic of) Nationwide

 $ 115.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Courts and Tribunals of Moldova.

Monaco Local

 $ 105.00


Search conducted Le Greffe Address in Monaco Required.

Mongolia Local

 $ 179.00


A local criminal search conducted through the Soum, intersoum, and district courts.

Montenegro Nationwide

 $ 109.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Local police station (Uprava policije, Centar bezbjednosti).

Montserrat Nationwide

 $ 79.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the courts and tribunals of Montserrat.

Morocco Nationwide

 $ 95.00


Conducted through the Casier Judiciare Direction General de la Surete National and will provide a certificate.


Mozambique Nationwide

 $ 85.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Mozambique Criminal Register.

Burma, Union of Myanmar Nationwide


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Peoples Police Force.

Namibia Nationwide

 $ 89.00


A nationwide search conducted through the High Court, Local Court, and Supreme Court. 

Nauru Nationwide

 $ 125.00


Coverage - Nationwide

Source - National Police

Nepal Local

 $ 99.00


A local criminal search conducted through the Police Headquarters Crime Investigation Department Kathmandu, Nepal (Character Verification Section).

Netherlands Local

 $ 75.00


A local criminal records search conducted through Rechtbank based on the candidate's residential address.

Chesterfield Islands Nationwide

 $ 160.00


Coverage - Nationwide

Source - National Police (Archvio Central de la Policia Nacional)

New Caledonia Nationwide

 $ 109.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the First Instance Court.  There are special instructions for the processing of this search.  Please review the important notes before ordering this service.

IMPORTANT: This search should only be ordered for candidates that were born in New Caledonia. For candidates that were not born in New Caledonia but are currently living in New Caledonia, please order the France Nationwide (Police) Certificate (e-process) service.

New Zealand Nationwide

 $ 79.00


A comprehensive national criminal records search conducted through the Ministry of Justice.

Nicaragua Local

 $ 95.00


A local criminal search conducted through the Juez districtro.

Niger Nationwide

 $ 89.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Greffer en Chef, Court 'd'appel.


Nigeria Nationwide

 $ 105.00


A comprehensive national criminal record search conducted through the Central Criminal Record, ‘D’Dept Force CID Annex .

Macedonia Nationwide

 $ 109.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Section for Criminal Intelligence Analysis. Information returned will include all reported criminal convictions.

Northern Mariana Islands Nationwide

 $ 65.00


A comprehensive national criminal record search conducted through the Superior Court

Norway Local

 $ 75.00


A local criminal search conducted through the Tingrett (District Court).

Oman Local

 $ 129.00


A local criminal search conducted through the Preliminary Courts.

Pakistan Local

 $ 95.00


A search conducted through the local police district based on the candidate's complete residential address information.

Palau Nationwide

 $ 119.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Nationwide Court.

Palestine (Occupied Territory), Nationwide


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Ministry of Interior.

Panama Local

 $ 85.00


A search local criminal search conducted through the Policia Nacional de Investigacion Judicial (National Police of Judicial Investigation).

- Comparable to Felonies in the US.

Papua New Guinea, Local

 $ 105.00


Coverage - Local

Source - Court


Paraguay Nationwide

 $ 89.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Policia Nacional Departmento Indentificaciones.

Peru Nationwide

 $ 119.00


A comprehensive national criminal record search conducted through the National Police Services Division that will include both federal and state records.

Philippines Nationwide Court

 $ 65.00


A national criminal search conducted through the Metropolitan, Municipal Trial, and Regional Trial Courts. Learn more on a Philippines background check

Poland Local

 $ 99.00


A local criminal search conducted through Sad Rejonowy (district court) based on the candidate's residential address.

Portugal Local

 $ 89.00


A local criminal search conducted through the Court of Criminal Justice.

Puerto Rico Nationwide

 $ 49.00


A comprehensive 7 year national criminal record search conducted at the San Juan First Instance Court.

Qatar Nationwide

 $ 129.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Ministry of Interior, Department of Public Security and General Administration.

Romania Nationwide

 $ 167.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Courts and Tribunals of Romania. Records go back to 2006.

Rwanda Nationwide

 $ 85.00


A criminal search conducted through the Department of Police Ministry of Local Government.

Saint Helena Nationwide

 $ 149.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Saint Helena Police.

St. Kitts and Nevis Nationwide

 $ 85.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Courts of Justice (High Court, Court of Appeal, and Eastern Caribbean Supreme Courts).


St. Lucia Nationwide

 $ 85.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the courts and tribunals of Saint Lucia.

Courts searched: High Court and Courts of Appeal, East Caribbean Supreme Court 

St. Martin Nationwide

 $ 85.00


A comprehensive nationwide criminal record search conducted through the Casier Judiciare (Ministry of Justice).

*Please review the special instructions for this search in the important notes section before ordering this service.  Please also review the downloadable ordering instructions for the "France Nationwide (Police) Certificate (e-process)" service which can be found in the release forms section of the GBS portal. Please note that the St. Martin Nationwide search is run exactly the same as the France Nationwide (Police) Certificate (e-process) service.  It is advisable that these instructions be provided to the candidate upon ordering this service. 

St. Vincent and the Grenadines Nationwide

 $ 89.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Royal St Vincent and the Grenadines Police Force.

Samoa Nationwide

 $ 120.00


A search conducted through the Court of Appeal, Supreme Court, District Court, Alcohol & Drug Court, Magistrate Court.

San Marino Nationwide

 $ 85.00


Coverage - Nationwide

Source - Republic Court

Sao Tome and Principe Nationwide

 $ 89.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Ministry of Interior.

Saudi Arabia Nationwide

 $ 129.00


A nationwide criminal record search conducted through the Ministry of Interior for individuals who NO LONGER reside in Saudi Arabia

Senegal Nationwide

 $ 149.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Tribunal Department.

Serbia Nationwide

 $ 155.00


A national criminal record search conducted through the Police Services Division in the municipality where the candidate was born or resides/resided. Information returned will include all reported criminal record convictions that have not been spent.


Seychelles Nationwide

 $ 99.00


Coverage - Nationwide

Source - Police Commissioner

Sierra Leone Local

 $ 75.00


A local criminal search conducted through the Courts and Tribunals of Sierra Leone.

Singapore, Illicit Activity DB

 $ 89.00


A search conducted through available global and local language media sources, regulatory, and sanction sources to identify any risk related information regarding a candidate.

St. Maarten Nationwide

 $ 135.00


A nationwide criminal search through the Courts of Justice.  This service covers the Dutch side of the island.

Courts searched: The Caribbean Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance

Slovakia Nationwide

 $ 109.00


A comprehensive national criminal search conducted through the office of the Ministry of Justice regional and district courts. 

Slovenia Nationwide

 $ 109.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Ministry of Justice.

Solomon Islands Nationwide

 $ 75.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Court of Appeal, High Court, Magistrates Court, and Local Regional Court.


Solomon Islands Court of Appeal, Solomon Islands High Court, Solomon Islands Magistrates Court, Solomon Islands Customary Land Appeal Court, Solomon Islands Local Court" 4879(1980-2018)

Somalia Nationwide

 $ 85.00


Search conducted through the police.

Coverage - Nationwide

Source - National Police

South Africa Nationwide

 $ 55.00


A comprehensive national criminal record search conducted through multiple databases including the South African Police Services Name and ID Check Division. Information returned will include all reportable criminal record convictions.


Spain Local

 $ 89.00


A criminal record search conducted through the Juzgados de lo Penal (state criminal court) based on the candidate's residential address.  Information returned will include all reportable criminal record convictions.

Sri Lanka Local

 $ 95.00


A local search conducted through the police and court based on the candidate's residential address.


Sudan Nationwide

 $ 95.00


A comprehensive nationwide criminal search conducted through the Ministry of Interior.

Suriname Nationwide

 $ 165.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the district court.

Sweden Local

 $ 85.00


A search conducted through the local district court based on the candidates residential address.


Switzerland Local

 $ 95.00


A local criminal search conducted through the First Instance Courts Switzerland based on the candidate's residential address.

Syria Nationwide D/B

 $ 99.00


Database search

Taiwan, Criminal

 $ 79.99


A search conducted through the Supreme Court, High & District Courts. Courts that are included in this service below.

    • Supreme Court

    • District Courts

        • Taipei District Court

        • Shilin District Court

        • New Taipei District Court

        • Yilan District Court

        • Keelung District Court

        • Taoyuan District Court

        • Hsinchu District Court

        • Miaoli District Court

        • Taichung District Court

        • Changhua District Court

        • Nantou District Court

        • Yunlin District Court

        • Chiayi District Court

        • Kaohsiung District Court

        • Qiaotou  District Court

        • Hualien District Court

        • Taitung District Court

        • Pingtung District Court

        • Penghu District Court

        • Fujian Jinmen District Court

        • Fujian Lianjiang District Court

    • High Courts

        • Taichung High Court

        • Tainan High Court

        • Kaohsiung High Court

        • Kinmen of Fujian High Court


Tajikistan Nationwide

 $ 139.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Information Centre of the Ministry of Interior.

Tanzania Nationwide

 $ 95.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Courts of Justice.

Thailand Local

 $ 105.00


A search conducted through the local provincial court based on the candidate's residential address information. This search will also include a check of the two provincial courts in Bangkok.

Togo Nationwide

 $ 89.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Court of First Instance Togo.  Results will include an authority-issued criminal certificate.

Tonga Local

 $ 105.00


A local criminal search conducted through the Courts of Justice.

Trinidad and Tobago Nationwide

 $ 89.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Courts of Justice.   This service will not provide spent convictions. 

Courts searched: High Court and Court of Appeal

Tunisia Nationwide

 $ 95.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Directorate of National Surete, Identification Service.

Please Note: This service has special processing Instructions.  See the important notes section before ordering this service.

Turkey Nationwide

 $ 109.00


A comprehensive national criminal search conducted through the Turkish Republic Ministry of Justice, General Directory of Criminal Records Central Office.

Turkmenistan Nationwide

 $ 109.00


Coverage - Nationwide

Source - Ministry of Internal Affairs

Turk and Caicos Islands Local

 $ 89.00


Coverage - Local Court Search

Source - District Court

Tuvalu Nationwide

 $ 200.00


Coverage - Nationwide

Source - Federal Police

Uganda Nationwide

 $ 85.00


A criminal search conducted through the Courts and Tribunals of Uganda

Uganda, Local

 $ 85.00


A local criminal search conducted through the court and tribunal.

United Arab Emirates Local

 $ 105.00


A criminal search conducted through the local police station based on the candidate's address.

UK, Criminal Database

 $ 40.00


A search conducted through multiple publicly available UK court sources which includes the House of Lords, Privy Council, Court of Appeal (Civil Division) and unreported cases from the Administrative Court, formerly Queen's Bench Division (Crown Office List) are available from 1983, including global PEP lists, Sanctions, Debarred Persons, media check.

UK, Basic Criminal DBS Check

 $ 82.00


A Basic DBS check, also known as a Basic Disclosure Check, is a background check into an individual’s history and police records to reveal any unspent convictions. A conviction becomes 'spent' after a specified period, which varies depending on the offense and sentence.

Uruguay Nationwide

 $ 105.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Direccion Nacional De Policia Tecnica.


Virgin Islands (USA), Nationwide Court

 $ 55.00


A comprehensive nationwide criminal search conducted through the superior court.

Uzbekistan Nationwide

 $ 139.00


Coverage - Nationwide

Source - National Police

Vanuatu Nationwide

 $ 120.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the national police.

Vietnam Nationwide

 $ 129.00


This service is a national search conducted through the Federal & Provincial Courts!

Wallis and Futuna Islands Nationwide

 $ 150.00


Coverage - Nationwide

Source - Tribunal de Premiere Instance

Yemen Nationwide

 $ 105.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Ministry of Interior.

Zambia Nationwide

 $ 195.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Courts and Tribunals of Zambia.

Courts searched: Supreme Court, High Court, and  Industrial Court

Zimbabwe Nationwide

 $ 125.00


A nationwide criminal search conducted through the Constitutional Court, Zimbabwe Supreme Court, Bulawayo High Court, and Harare High Court.


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